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▻ Hardware: https://amzn.to/3DhVg5B✧
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▻ Safety Glasses: https://dothewrk.com/products/visionary-safety-glasses
▻ Do the Work Hat: https://dothewrk.com/products/do-the-work-denim-hat
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Cara Newhart recommends that you try all projects safely. Use appropriate safety gear and abide by individual tool requirements and safety advice when operating machinery. By participating in any DIY project or taking instructional advice such as this, there is always a possibility of injury. If you do take part in DIY Projects or follow any Never Skip Brunch project tutorial, you agree that you do so at your own risk. You also agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and will assume all risk of injury to yourself. Cara Newhart & Never Skip Brunch LLC are not responsible for any injury caused by the user when implementing any plans or projects on from her content and tutorials. You also agree to release and discharge Cara Newhart and Never Skip Brunch LLC. from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Never Skip Brunch and Never Skip Brunch LLC. negligence.
00:00 Introduction
00:35 Assembling Stock Cabinets
03:41 Installing Cabinets
04:52 Building Stock Cabinet Drawers
06:00 TIP: What Primer to Use
06:45 Adding Fluted Texture
08:07 PAINT: My secret Scratch free recipe + paint colo
09:06 Install Hardware
09:21 REVEAL